The latest update with a number bug fixes and a few new features is now available for download (Aquabase will check for an update on start-up) and will require a password to complete the update process. This password is included in an email to subscribers to the Aquabase Support and Development programme. If Aquabase cannot download the update automatically you can also get it from the Download section of this website. You have to be a registered user to access the individual downloads in this section.
Please read the notes during installation for the latest exciting additions and bug fixes! We (the developers and the users) are constantly working on improving and fixing Aquabase functionality. Please let me know if you find any bugs and/or would like to make suggestions for new functions.
- The Data Logger import facility can now also import the compensated .xle XML format output of the data logger software (Solinst). At this stage only Solinst data logger data can be imported. Now the date/time from when the data needs to be imported can also be selected and a frequency (all, hourly, half-hourly etc.) selected to reduce similar or little changing data.
- A new meteorological data import function has been added. The function at this stage can only import monthly rainfall data from the international World Meteorological Observation network (SYNOP/BUFR) from January 2000. Other weather parameters will be added in future.
- For South African workspaces a new import function has been added to import “Audited and reduced water levels” from the National Groundwater Archive (NGA). This is an easy import for the current and abandoned hydrological groundwater monitoring stations, most of which are also visible on the DWS NIWIS website.
- An additional field CALIBR_YLD has been added to the “testdetl” table to store calibrated yields from calibration tests. The field will be automatically added when opening a workspace, but you have to make sure the user opening the workspace has rights to change tables in the database (MySQL, MariaDB, ProgreSQL etc., not applicable to Spatialite).
- The Data Logger import function did not always import the Solinst compensated data columns into the correct tables (e.g. when columns were swapped). This is fixed.
- The chart properties dialog did not update some of the checkboxes properly from the chart properties. This is also fixed.
- Various smaller bug fixes