Aquabase Update to Version

Aquabase Update to Version

The latest update with a number bug fixes and a few new functions is now available for download (Aquabase will check for an update on start-up) and will require a password to complete the update process. This password is included in an email to subscribers to the Aquabase Support and Development programme. If Aquabase cannot download the update automatically you can also get it from the Download section of this website. You have to be a registered user to access the individual downloads in this section.

Please read the notes during installation for the latest exciting additions and bug fixes! We (the developers and the users) are constantly working on improving and fixing Aquabase functionality. Please let me know if you find any bugs and/or would like to make suggestions for new functions.


  1. The Spatialite database has been updated to version 8.x, not only with the latest spatial indexes and triggers, but also a few new rules on some tables. Although an update is not critical at this stage Aquabase will remind you when opening a workspace with older version Spatialite tables to update rather sooner than later.
  2. A “Depth Installed” field (DEPTH_INST) has been added to the Instrumentation table (genequip). This will be created in your database automatically, if it does not exist (make sure you have database permissions to change tables). This parameter is time-dependent, so when the installation depth changes a new record must be created.
  3. The Logger Import now also detects the latest “Depth Installed” and warns if there is no logger information for the current site in order to prevent importing logger data to the wrong site. This is only a warning and data can still be imported to the current site.
  4. When importing SYNOP/BUFR weather observation data a new option to save 0 (zero) values, if there are no readings, was added.
  5. The “Other Table” import function has been optimised to be much faster by using SQL inserts instead of table insert/post. This prevents opening the tables into which imports are happening, which could take a while, especially when opening large tables over remote connections. At the same time the triggers for the relevant tables have been disabled and re-enabled after the import process to reduce database server load.


  1. The time dependent water level charts did not work with the “Method measured” filter due to a spelling mistake in the field name. This is fixed.
  2. The retrieval of Views in several dialog boxes could give an error message if a user did not have access to some Views due to permissions. This caused the View dialogs to be incomplete or not working at all. This is now fixed. The Views that are retrieved must have the SITE_ID_NR as first field and must select the SITE_ID_NR distinctly: this filtering has been optimised (Views created in other applications must follow these rules, otherwise they will not be shown in Aquabase).
  3. A potential memory leak when getting all valid Views into view lists was fixed.
  4. A trigger of the PROFILNG table had an error in the SQL statement, which has been fixed.
  5. When trying to import WMS chemistry data into a database without any chemistry records an exception occurred when opening the form. The import did work, however. This exception was fixed.
  6. When importing Logger data in XML (*.xle) format the number of records to import was not read correctly from the import file. This has been corrected.
  7. The Borehole/Well group box (Diam., Collar, Depth etc.) did not always update according to site type (enable/disable certain fields), especially when adding new sites. This is now rectified.
  8. Ctrl-clicking on a point in the Map Viewer did not jump to the point’s site in the database if there were blanks in the site identifier. This is working now.
  9. The Chart properties dialog did not update the titles of the series in the series dropdown immediately when the titles were changed. This is fixed.
  10. Several smaller bugs and optimisations.

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