Aquabase Update to Version

Aquabase Update to Version

The latest update with a number bug fixes and a few new features is now available for download (Aquabase will check for an update on start-up) and will require a password to complete the update process. This password is included in an email to subscribers to the Aquabase Support and Development programme. If Aquabase cannot download the update automatically you can also get it from the Download section of this website. You have to be a registered user to access the download section.

Please read the notes during installation for the latest exciting additions and bug fixes! We are constantly working on improving and fixing Aquabase functionality. Please let me know if you find any bugs and would like to make suggestions for new functions.


  1. The Summary function has been implemented on current time-dependent columnar reports. When selected it shows a band with Minimum, Maximum and Average values of the parameter(s) shown under the relevant columns on the report.
  2. The time-dependent chemistry report now spaces the parameters in the available space depending on how many parameters there are. If the maximum number of 14 are used then some parameter description labels are too long to fit into the available space. While some descriptions have been shortened (this may not show if the settings files are in a non-default location) they may still be too long, for which case only 13 or less parameters may be selected for display on the report. (Look forward to an editor for these parameter settings in upcoming versions).


  1. The time-dependent columnar reports in several cases also returned the sites where no detail information was present. This is now fixed to show only sites where there is detail information. In case of chemistry it will also show the sites where samples have been entered, but no information is available for the parameters selected. For those cases careful creation of an applicable View could prevent this as well.
  2. Some report settings forms gave an error message when popping up, which was due to the addition/deletion of components on the parent form. These should be fixed.
  3. The “Provide View Name” form did not allow a Backspace when entering a name, which is now possible.
  4. Several smaller bug fixes.

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