Aquabase Update to version

Aquabase Update to version

The latest update with a number bug fixes and a few new features is now available for download (Aquabase will check for an update on start-up) and will require a password to complete the update process. This password is included in an email to subscribers to the Aquabase Support and Development programme. If Aquabase cannot download the update automatically you can also get it from the Download section of this website. You have to be a registered user to access the individual downloads in this section.

Please read the notes during installation for the latest exciting additions and bug fixes! We (the developers and the users) are constantly working on improving and fixing Aquabase functionality. Please let me know if you find any bugs and/or would like to make suggestions for new functions.


  1. The chart series data can now be edited to delete outliers or change values from the chart properties dialog. Please NOTE that this does not change the underlying data in the database, just the data showing on the charts.
  2. Pressing Ctrl-n (next) or Ctrl-p (previous) allows switching tabs on the tabbed entry forms to avoid grabbing the mouse too often while typing data.


  1. The “Default to Center of Map” of the coordinates when adding a new site did not work correctly under certain settings. This is now fixed.
  2. The down-the-hole Electrical Conductivity did not always display “user-friendly” digits after the comma. This has been changed to 2 digits with values >= 10 and 3 digits < 10.
  3. One of the database triggers in the SQLite databases was not fixed properly during the previous update. This could cause Geometry update issues, but it is now updated and will be loaded automatically into the database when opening a workspace with SQLite database.
  4. On very detailed Lithological Logs the default maximum number of lithologies (100) was not enough to accommodate all the litholgies, which could cause the application to crash without warning. This has been increased to 200, which also means higher memory use.
  5. The Open Dialog for selecting bitmaps for the fill materials did not show the bitmap files. This is fixed.
  6. A few smaller bug fixes and optimisations.

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