While it is much easier to enter pumping test (aquifer test) data through the Import Pumping Test form the testing data can also be entered manually through two forms: The Pumping Test entry form and the Testing Details entry form.
While the Pumping Test entry form is mainly used to enter start/end date/time, the contractor and the type of test, the Testing Details form provides fields for entering detailed specifics on e.g. step durations, drawdowns for steps and constant rate tests, recoveries with durations and over and above transmissivities and storage, pemeabilities and specific capacities for each part of the tests.
When adding records to the first form dates and times are checked for validity and observation borehole details like their site identifier, distance from pumped hole, their transmissivity and storage can be added by checking the checkbox above the grid. The validity of the site identifier is, however, not checked.
On the Testing Details form it is important to know the values for drawdowns and recoveries, which are distances in the relevant unit used (default is [m]). So the drawdown of e.g. several steps is a cumulative distance from the start of the test, or the total drawdown at the end of a constant rate test, while the recovery is the distance from the drawdown value to a recovery value and should not be confused with the residual drawdown. Once a drawdown AND recovery distance value have been entered the % Recovery will be calculated automatically (the field is otherwise read-only). The Description field may be used to indicate the detail of the particular part of the pumping test, e.g. STEP 1, STEP2, MULTI 3 or CONSTANT etc.
NOTE: Make sure to have the same start dates and times in both the Pumping Test entry form and the Testing Details form if you want to use the Pumping Test report to present the graphs and data. The durations entered on this form are then used to draw the steps of a step test.