Aquabase Water Resources Management

Importing Pumping Test Data

This import function is not actually a real import but an entry form which allows the easy entry of pumping test information into the necessary fields.

After the data entry the user has the option to save the data into the three relevant tables, e.g. the pumping test table, the discharge rate table and the water level table.

Before water level and discharge data can be entered the basic pumping test needs to be created by clicking the + on the navigator to insert contractor, reporting institution and the method tested, but also the dates/times the test started/ended.

The entry mode “Drawdown” allows entering drawdowns instead of actual water levels (as stored in the water level table) and requires a static water level from which the drawdowns are calculated back to actual water levels on import.

Make sure each test (step, constant etc.) starts with a static water level by indicating this in the “L.stat.” column with a ‘S’ and a drawdown of 0.00 (if this was selected).

On closing the form the user will be asked to save the “imported” data to the database. This should obviously only be done once a test is completely typed in, otherwise this “import” can be done at a later stage when coming back to the form and cahnging or adding more data.

Discharge rates do not have to be entered/repeated with each water level record if they stay the same over e.g. a step or the constant rate test. Only non-empty records will be imported into the discharge table. It may be good idea to enter a 0.00 (zero) discharge on the last record (end date/time) of the pumping test if you want to show the discharge rate on the pumping test report.

It is recommended to treat recoveries as seperate tests (Meth. tested = ‘R’)as it will be easier to search for sites with pumping tests that have recovery tests included.

While typing water levels/drawdowns in the grid the time increments of the next record can easily be set by using the F11 (increase) and F12 (decrease) keys just before adding (cursor down) the new record. It might be worth clicking on the Water lev./Drawdown column (it turns grey) which will make sure the entry column for next record is that particular column. These two functions allow very quick data entry from field sheets or from screen.