Aquabase Water Resources Management

The Lookup Codes

Lookup codes ensure database integrity. Lookup codes are short versions of otherwise long descriptions and therefore ensure that all users use the same codes making searches for information a lot easier.

The Lookup Codes are stored in a table in one of your settings databases and are updated with each Aquabase update. The updates update the default lookup codes only, which may be in a read-only location under your installation directory. If there are new default codes and your settings files/databases are in a non-default location (e.g. on a server or other shared location) then you can use the “Tools|Lookup Codes|Sync Lookup Codes with default codes” menu to add these to your codes.

Lookup Codes on entry forms are either selected by drop-down lookup boxes, in which you can also type the code, which automatically opens the drop-down to the relevant code, or in grids by typing the code or by right-clicking the field (while it is highlighted) and selecting the code from a list. The latter allows searching through the code or the description by clicking on the column and then starting to type.