Aquabase Water Resources Management

Creating a New Workspace

If you want to create a New Workspace go to File|New Workspace, which will open a new dialog:

1.) Select a folder where to store the Workspace. A good location is somewhere on your PC, e.g. “My Documents\Workspaces…” where only you have access as you would store specific settings and files relevant to you in your Workspace. Any network location is also acceptable but if it is a shared location then different users may set different settings at any time which would cause confusion and is therefore not recommended.
2.) Select your Geographic Setting: the Country (which will determine the available coordinates systems) and the Coordinate System which will be used to store the coordinates in the database.
3.) Select the type of database to use by selecting the relevant tab.


This ensures that the database selected is actually a valid Aquabase database so that the workspace can be created successfully.

SQLite/Spatialite is the default and by keeping the selection an automatic database name will be created, which will also be stored in the Workspace. The database (file) can also be located in another location which you can select here, but you can also select an existing database on your PC or the network to use. In that way you can create 2 or more Workspaces pointing to the same database (file), making it useful for networks with several users.

All settings of the Workspace are stored in the file “workspace.ini” in your Workspace and should only be edited if you really know what you are doing!

All other tabs have settings for databases located on database servers and you need to set the relevant settings for your type of database, which you may get from your database administrator.

Once a Workspace has been opened the File menu will change to Database.